If you’re looking to buy stretch jeans in the near future, you might want to give this a read. Stretch jeans work on all body types because they are woven from covered spandex yarn that either takes the shape of the body or sculpts it depending on the spandex to hard yarn ratio in the composition of the fabric.
If the covered spandex yarn composition has high spandex yarn counts it is likely to provide more stretch. Naturally, this fabric is made to be more flexible, taking the shape of the body type of the wearer.
This type of fabric is ideal for women who have a slim frame or a taut proportionate body. The fabric is flexible and sculpts the body of the wearer in the most natural way possible.
If the covered spandex yarn composition has low spandex yarn counts it is likely to provide controlled or less stretch. This fabric is made to be more structured and rigid, controlling the body of the the wearer.
This type of fabric is ideal for women who want to control their curves and give their bodies a slender and firm appearance.
Knowing the stretch denim fabric that ticks for you reduces bad experiences while buying jeans or skirts. Just tug to explore and pick the right fit for you.